Səyahət agentliyi

Thames Boat Rides from Embankment Pier

8 yerli sakin tövsiyə edir,
Həmişəlik bağlanıb

Yerlilərdən ipucları

May 16, 2018
for me one of the best ways of admire London! take the ferry from Embakment to Greenwich, a must!
January 5, 2019
The boat down to London Bridge and a walk around Borough Market..
January 4, 2020
Its a great way to get a different perspective of the city
September 12, 2019
A boat trip down the river gives you fab views and new perspectives of London. Highly recommended.
August 7, 2016
You can go East to Greenwich or West to Kew Gardens or Hampton Court. We would recommend going West,as both Kew and Hampton Court are fantastic! Though Tower of London and Greenwich are lovely too.......your call!

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Victoria Embankment