

15 yerli sakin tövsiyə edir,
7 Schivelbeiner Str.
Berlin, BE

Yerlilərdən ipucları

June 27, 2016
Good coffee and amazing self-made cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.
May 11, 2015
Small, cozy coffeehouse with nice breakfast.
Dominik & Jessica
January 22, 2017
Sweet little cafe - you have to try the cakes! Breakfast is really good as well :)
April 4, 2016
You should try this out, it's right infront of the flat, the price is OK and the decoration is sort of a time machine taking you back to the old DDR era
July 4, 2015
Tiny place with amazing breakfast. Definitely worth a visit for a weekend brunch. Try and get there early, it gets busy

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