

26 yerli sakin tövsiyə edir,
33 Rambla de Catalunya
Barcelona, CT

Yerlilərdən ipucları

November 22, 2013
Nice food and also good cocktail bar
February 3, 2020
Very delicious tapas in heart of Barcelona!
April 21, 2016
set on beautiful rambla de catalunya, it is my favourite tapas bar--they have a good selection of light tapas (eg salad, seafood) as well as the classic chips ('patatas bravas') and steaks. the ambience is very cosmopolitan and pleasant
Guille & Andres
August 20, 2015
if you feel like a good sea food, and mediterranean well you gonna love this restaurant.
May 22, 2014
Very nice tapas bar in Rambla Catalunya! The selection of wines is excellent. The famous "croquetas" are a must-have. Also don't forget to order "pan con tomate".

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